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SPD1168X Programmable DC power Supply 128W

SPD1168X Programmable DC power Supply 128W
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  • Brands SIGLENT
  • Product Code: SPD1168X
  • Availability: 2-3 Weeks
  • 245.00€
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Product Overview

SPD1168X Programmable Linear DC Power Supply has a 2.8 inch TFT-LCD display, features remote
computer control 
capability, and real time wave display, to deliver high performance and 

The SPD1168 features a high precision programmable output capable of delivering up to 16 V and also includes a 4-wire sense function for more accurate voltage sourcing, especially for long leads
 or high resistance connections.

There are additional output short and overload protect functions to assist in production and development applications.

Key Features

  • Single path high-precision programmable voltage output:16 V/8 A,total power up to 128 W
  • Stable, reliable, Low ripple and noise:≤ 350 uVrms/3mVpp; < 2 mArms
  • Fast transient response time: < 50 μs
  • 5 digit Voltage, 4 digit Current Display, Minimum
  • Resolution: 1 mV/1 mA
  • Supports front panel timing output functions
  • 2.8 inch true color TFT- LCD 240 *320 display
  • 2 types of output modes:Two-wire output mode, 4-wire
    compensation output mode,Maximum compensation voltage 1V.
  • 100/120/220/230 V compatible design to meet the needs of different power grids
  • Intelligent temperature-controlled fanreduces noise
  • Clear graphical interface, with the waveform display function
  • Internal 5 groups of system parameter save/recall
    Includes PC software: Easypower, supports SCPI, LabView driver

 More Resolution and Accuracy

The SPD1168X programmable DC power supply includes set-point resolution ofup to 1mV / 1mA and excellent setting and readback accuracy. Users can generate even very small voltage or current changes, while maintaining a well-regulated DC output across varying loads.

More DUT Safety

A lab power supply must produce a predictable and controlled output. This is necessary in order to protect the device being tested – the load. The SPD1168X power supply avoids overshoot, thus protecting the user’s important device under test.

More Output Purity

The SPD1168X’s ripple and noise is a low ≤ 350uVrms / 3mVpp,providing users with a cleaner power supply test environment.

Faster Response

The fast transient response time of the SPD1168X programmable DC power supply is less than 50μs, thus, allowing the output voltage to quickly return to the set value when the DUT load undergoes a sudden change. Changing loads often happen in devices such as mobile phones, WiFi, wireless sensors, etc. The load can change faster than the transient response capability of other power supplies and can result in the supply voltage failing to quickly reach its set value, even in a testing environment, this fast load change can automatically cause the device to shut down or start repeatedly. The SPD1168X can be the perfect solution to this problem.


Unlike some other traditional power supplies, the SPD1168Xincludes a four-wire compensation (Sense) function. The four-wire Sense mode compensates for potential voltage drops at the load due to the power supply leads causing an IR drop at higher currents. Using remote sensing, the SPD1168X can compensate for up to a 1 Volt loss in the output leads. Thus ensuring that the voltage supplied to the DUT is the same voltage that the power supply is set to. For added safety, if the compensation exceeds 1V, the power supply will automatically shut off its output so as to more intelligently protect the user’s device under test.


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